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RQM 5.0: Importing Test Script with Test cases in RQM

Naveen Tyagi (19778152) | asked Mar 26 '15, 2:51 a.m.
I have installed RQMExcelImporter and i am able to import my test cases.
Here is the question-
In my excel sheet one column contains Test Script in which for some of the test cases Test script enrty is there and blank column for rest of the test cases. Now, if i am tryig to import test cases only are gtting impoted which respected Test Script column contains enrty but not all. i want to import all the test cases whether Test script is there or not.
Can anybody tell me specific enrty for Test Script i need to mentioned in configuration file . Thanks in Advance.

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Reshma Ratnani (1.1k1) | answered Mar 26 '15, 5:30 a.m.
Hi Naveen,

Have you used testcase.XLSLink = testscript in your cfg? If yes then it is expected behavior because having this line means you are saying to create that many testcase as many TestScripts, have 1-1 mapping between testscript and testcase. So if the testcases which dont have testscript value will not get exported because 1-1 mapping doesnt happen.

What you can do is export the testscripts first. Then export the TestCases and link testscript using below attribute where column K will have id value of testscripts

Naveen Tyagi selected this answer as the correct answer

Naveen Tyagi commented Mar 26 '15, 8:08 a.m.

 Hi Reshma,
Here is my .config file in which i have deleted custom sections in order to make in simple. now, what happening after importing completion process all the Test scripts[3] are getting associated with all test cases[11]. Since i am new to RQM so i don't know which is the correct way whether all test script should be associated with every test case or only to the particular that i need to conform or  you can conform right now . Anyway Thanks for help.




testcase.XLSLink = testscript


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