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Folders/Artifacts arent shown in RRC 5.0.2, giving Error 500: Internal Server Error

Javaria Hameed (403847) | asked Mar 06 '15, 7:37 a.m.
edited Mar 07 '15, 5:42 p.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)
Hi all,

I have recently installed and configured CLM 5.0.2 and in RRC I'm having error on Browse Artifacts link...

ID CRRRW7553E  A message that was received from the server indicates an error with no specific handler.
Unable to load /rm/folders/_SXGcZr3_EeSCXfpc40i-rQ?childFolders=1&dojo.preventCache=1425644580427 status: 500
_6@https://<serverurl>/rm/web/_js/?include=A~&etag=HULIcjnTJyL_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Frm&ss=GDxM7&locale=en-us:2489:8 _6@https://<serverurl./rm/web/_js/?include=A~&etag=HULIcjnTJyL_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Frm&ss=GDxM7&locale=en-us:6187:1 _13@https://<serverurl>/rm/web/_js/?include=A~&etag=HULIcjnTJyL_en_US&_proxyURL=%2Frm&ss=GDxM7&locale=en-us:6202:1

URL: /rm/folders/_SXGcZr3_EeSCXfpc40i-rQ?childFolders=1

Error 500: Internal Server Error

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The given URI [https://<serverurlwithoutdots>/rm/folders/_SXGcZr3_EeSCXfpc40irQ] was not a recognised Fronting URI or Storage URI. (More info found at entry [5492460209b7bbb3] in the RM application server log)

In RM log, same above entry is logged...

but when port (9443) is supplied in url, everything works fine...

any help would be appreciated.

Donald Nong commented Mar 10 '15, 11:47 p.m.

If your original public URI has port 9443 in it and the new public URI does not, then you need to follow the procedure to do a "server rename". Other than that, I can't imagine why adding the port 9443 works.

2 answers

permanent link
Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Mar 10 '15, 11:40 a.m.
Did you upgrade from a previous version of RDNG?

I ask because I have seen problems like this in past where to resolve the problem I needed to clear my Firefox Cache and Active logins, sometimes also the cookies.

Also is there any reason you are not providing the port # in the URL? Because it is necessary part of the reference.

permanent link
Javaria Hameed (403847) | answered Mar 10 '15, 11:47 a.m.
Thanks Robin.

I have fresh installation of complete CLM version 5.0.2 solution....

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