Test Scripts Sequential Execution - One TCER

Hi Rational Team
My Team is using RQM. Most of the testers are very interested in knowing if there is a way (i.e. administrator setting or something similar) to SEQUENTIALLY run (I mean through one single TCER ) test scripts within a test case.
Nowadays RQM is limited in terms of test scripts execution cause if you have nested several test scripts underneath a test case you have to create many TCER's as many test scripts you have.
One answer

Hello Luis.
You need to use a Test Suite and add the same test case once for every script you need to execute. The Test Suite is set to be run in sequential mode by default, but you could also modify it if your needs change.
Let's see an example: You have Test Suite 1, Test Case 1 and Test Script 1, Test Script 2 and Test Script 3. Test Case 1 includes the three scripts and Test Suite 1 includes Test Case 1 three times, but every instance has a different script selected. Two execution records would be created when the suite is executed, one for the suite and one for the test case, the later would be reused with a different script automatically as the execution progresses from one script to the next.
This image shows the Test Suite configured for the scenario described above:

This image shows the Test Suite in the execution console, where you can see how the scripts are queued for sequential execution:

I hope this helps.
José Marcelo Ramos Barragán
Quality Manager Development

Do you know what is the purpose of having multiple scripts associated to a test case, if you cannot run all of them as a single TCER?
In which cases that could be useful?
1 vote

Thanks Marcelo for your alternate solution you are presenting to us.
By the way Isa and me provide implementation support to the same Teams that I mentioned in my question.
The question that Isa is doing is because the structured hierarchical relationship that We decided to opt for in our RQM implementation. Our Teams perform testing validations that are very very granular within a test scenario (bringing with this sub scenarios nested in scenarios), and would be great if in RQM the testers could have the possibility to run sequentially several test scripts from a simple test case level.
The Teams that Isa and me work with perform both:
- UAT (user acceptance test at very detailed function level)
- E2E (test validations across different systems interconnected)
So thinking in a useful hierarchy for us We decided to use Test Case --> Test Scripts for UAT validations and Test Suite ---> Test Case --> Test Scripts for E2E validations.
That's why We are very interested in having the possibility to run sequentially several test scripts from a simple test case level.
Please let us know your thoughts

The most common case is to have one script for each test case, this relationship should satisfy a high level-low level relationship between both artifacts, e.g. "What to test" vs "How to test." However, sometimes we have situations in which there can be different ways to perform test the same scenario represented in the test case. A simple example is a manual test vs an automated test, another one would be manual test in Windows vs manual test in Linux, etc.
In short, the purpose of a list of scripts within a test case is not to reflect every step that must be taken, but to provide different alternatives to exercise the scenario described by the test case.