How to Export a Component?
Very simple requirement but I'm struggling to find the answer within RTC.
How can I simply export the contents of a component to a location outside of a sandbox / workspace i.e. the equivalent of an svn export command.
I understand that then the files will be out of RTC control but that's exactly what I want, just a simple copy of the files with which I can do what I want.
I'm using the scm CLI on Linux
Accepted answer
Thanks Sha, still a pain that you have to go via a workspace I was hoping you could just get a copy straight from the stream but it appears not.
Out of interest what does the unload command actually do? you say disconnect the workspace in the sandbox but what does that mean? does it just put some flag into the .jazz5 directory saying the directory is no longer under RTC control?
Yes, it would update some info so that RTC knows not to track the workspace anymore. Note: The sandbox could still be valid as you might have loaded other workspaces to the same sandbox location.
3 other answers
No that's loading a workspace which will be under RTC control. I just want a simple copy of the files contained within the component from the stream without the RTC 'wrap'
So just delete the .jazz5 & .workspace directories.
I shouldn't have to start playing with RTCs hidden files to do this. As previously what I'm looking for is the RTC equivalent of the difference between the svn checkout command (which results in a svn versioned directory with .svn hidden folder etc.) and the svn export command which just gives you a copy of the files.
This is very basic and useful functionality present in the likes of CVS, SVN etc. which I though would be provided by all SCM tools ......
I don't disagree with you but to my knowledge there's no direct equivalent in RTC for svn export. Maybe one of the RTC developers will chime in & correct me if I'm wrong.
On another bent, if on just does scm load, and never touches it with RTC ( whether via scm or RTC ) ....
That's the approach taken by our build shop. 1) accept changes into the workspace 2) fetch the workspace 3) build. Never are items delivered back to RTC from such.
My $0.02
include <stddisclaimer.h>
Currently there is no way to do this without having a repository workspace. There is a request to have the capability to download from the Web UI, but that is not yet implemented as far as I know.
If you loaded a repository workspace and you are in Eclipse, you can also basically export the projects from there.