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Execute a TestCase via OSLC possible?

Furkan Akbulut (611) | asked Feb 19 '15, 5:01 a.m.
 Hello Iam student from Reutlingen University. I need help for my Project. I work with RQM and I look for a method to start a TestCase with OSLC. Is that possible. Some Information about my Project: I work with 2 different kinds of ALM Tool. I want to send the values from one ALM Tool to RQM to start a test automaticly. A lots of things works fine. I write the code for my Adapter between ALM Tool X and RQM with C#. Now I need help to start a Test without usng the Start BUtton in RQM. TestCases and TestScript and the Auotmation Adapter for Testing are available.

Thank you in anticiaption for helping!

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Reshma Ratnani (1.1k1) | answered Feb 24 '15, 5:26 a.m.
Hi Furkan,

You can try our RQMExecutionTool. You need to pass userid, passwd , server url and TestCaseExecution Record IDs which you want to execute.
For more details refer

If you want to do things from UI side only then you can try below 2 things

You can probably try using Selenium pageObjects. Basically you need a tool or script that does a click on the Run button in RQM. So you can write a automation testscript which does a click on the button.

You can even try Ration Functional Tester (RFT). Using RFT you can record a script to click on the run button in UI.

Hope this helps

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