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Go to Queries

Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | asked May 27 '09, 11:20 a.m.
One thing we seem to be missing is the option to get to our predefined queries off the navigator .. in order to get to these, you have to either use the "go to defects" option or open up a work related item .. any plans to fix this ?

2 answers

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Helen Lozoraitis (60624) | answered May 27 '09, 6:36 p.m.
Have you tried to add a new viewlet to your Home Page? There are a couple in the Development section called Work Items and Work Item Queries that you can add to your dashboard, and then edit to select the query, either Personal or Predefined, that you want to see displayed. I think that will give you what you are asking about.

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Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | answered May 28 '09, 8:23 a.m.
Have you tried to add a new viewlet to your Home Page? There are a couple in the Development section called Work Items and Work Item Queries that you can add to your dashboard, and then edit to select the query, either Personal or Predefined, that you want to see displayed. I think that will give you what you are asking about.

Hi Helen - yes I have those - just seemed odd that we can't get to all the predefined or personal queries unless its thru a viewlet

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