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How do you migrate a work item type to another repository?

Daniel Ruebush (9715987) | asked Feb 05 '15, 6:59 p.m.
 Hi all,

I have created a new work item type and  work flow in our testing
 repository and I want to recreate this in our production repository.

Is there a way to move the Work Item Type with Work Item Editor, Workflow to another repository?

It would save me a lot of time recreating it from scratch.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 06 '15, 5:07 a.m.
Other than modifying the process XML, which is not suggested, there are several ways to do this. Use process sharing - see , , or export the process and create a new project area that uses this process. Again process sharing is the best approach to manage process customization, if you want a common process.

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