Report Descriptor not found in workitem.burndown error trying to lauch a report in RTC 4.0.6 Web Interface
One answer
The instructions for v4.0.6 is similar.
In the Rich Client(Eclipse client for example), can you open the Team Artifacts view, expand your
project area > Reports > Report Resources and see if Burndown template is deployed or not. If yes, right click on
Burndown template > properties and see if identifier is set as workitems.Burndown (you can manually set it if it is not)
If template is not there(or you can delete it if it has problem), then right click on Report Resources > Deploy new resources and select the project area and deploy the target report template.
If you are trying to drill down and got the same error message, the report you want to drill down to must be deployed, the procedures are the same.
In the Rich Client(Eclipse client for example), can you open the Team Artifacts view, expand your
project area > Reports > Report Resources and see if Burndown template is deployed or not. If yes, right click on
Burndown template > properties and see if identifier is set as workitems.Burndown (you can manually set it if it is not)
If template is not there(or you can delete it if it has problem), then right click on Report Resources > Deploy new resources and select the project area and deploy the target report template.
If you are trying to drill down and got the same error message, the report you want to drill down to must be deployed, the procedures are the same.
Hi Don,
So that worked, but why do we have to redeploy the report resources, do they go away......I guess I am asking if you have to redeploy the report resources from time to time.
Hi, Nannette
Thanks for the update and glad to know it works now. I don't know the whole story of the problem. Usually if the resources are deployed, you don't really need to redeploy them. In some cases such as upgrade, or corruption due to unknown reason may require to redeploy the template but I believe that should not be the normal problem and you dont really need to redeploy from time to time.