RQM selenium adaptor has an error to start up, how to solve it?
4 answers
the above is the result with IBM Java.
This is the same error response (401). Check your permissions and licenses since the 401 (Unauthorized) indicates a permissions/licensing issue for user li.chen in RQM project area QM_Pilot.
li.chen has the following licenses
Rational Quality Manager - Quality Professional-Floating
Thanks Chris.
There is also another work-around in QM: RQM Selenium adapter: Unable to log into server (133282) (comment 4) if the username and/or password cannot be changed.
can someone help me here please. i am getting similar error message. there is no special character in my user id and password.
I am using clm 6.0.5 with ifix-02 on windows OS.
C:\RQMJUnitSeleniumAdapter>start.bat -repository https://mapanda3:9443/qm -use m
Launching Adapter...
java version "1.8.0"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build pwa6480sr4fp10-20170727_01(SR4 FP10))
IBM J9 VM (build 2.8, JRE 1.8.0 Windows 7 amd64-64 Compressed References 2017072
2_357405 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
J9VM - R28_20170722_0201_B357405
JIT - tr.r14.java_20170722_357405
GC - R28_20170722_0201_B357405_CMPRSS
J9CL - 20170722_357405)
JCL - 20170726_01 based on Oracle jdk8u144-b01
Adapter is reconnecting. Using saved configuration information from Config2.ini
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: BASE64 input is invalid b
ecause it is the wrong size
at com.ibm.rqm.adapter.library.connection.Base64.decode(Base64.java:163)
at com.ibm.rqm.adapter.commandline.QMCommandLineAdapter.main(QMCommandLi
The adapter did not run, exited unexpectedly, or was killed.
This can happen if java.exe was not found in the PATH,
or if java.exe is too old or not compatible (the version of JAVA required is 1.5
or later),
or Configuration File does not have write permissions,
or some other error occurred.
Please refer to the readme.txt file in the adapter package.
i tries with different parameter like
start.bat -repository https://mapanda3:9443/qm -userid manoj
start.bat -repository https://mapanda3:9443/qm -user manoj
Do you have any non-alphanumeric characters in your password?
in the extracted directory of the selenium adapter, delete the Config2.ini file and try to restart the adapter. If that doesn't work try re-extracting the adapter from the .zip file. Also, make sure you have the latest adapter from jazz.net RQM all downloads.
Li Chen
Jan 30 '15, 4:15 p.m.Don Yang
Feb 01 '15, 6:45 p.m.Some check points as below first:
1) user li.chen for the adapter has RQM connector or Professional license
2) user li.chen is a member of the specified project area QM_Pilot
3) configuration file must have write permissions in the current working directory
or the directory specified by -configFile option
Donald Nong
Feb 01 '15, 9:27 p.m.It appears that you're using Oracle Java 1.8.0_31. Try with IBM Java 6 or 7 and see if it makes any difference (almost all IBM products bundle their own JVM).
Li Chen
Feb 03 '15, 9:28 a.m.Rational Quality Manager - Quality Professional-Floating