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Step Desc and Expected Result not seen while saving testscript from C#

Nilesh Bawalekar (221117) | asked Jan 15 '15, 8:07 a.m.

My XML Generated testscript in C# is :

<?xml version="1.0"?><testscript xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns=">">TS_628AM</title><description xmlns=">">2015-01-15T18:28:57.2984676+05:30</updated><state d2p1:resource="" xmlns:d2p1="" xmlns="" /><creator d2p1:resource="nilesh.bawalekar" xmlns:d2p1="" xmlns="" /><owner d2p1:resource="unassigned" xmlns:d2p1="" xmlns="" /><approvals /><scripttype>Manual</scripttype><variables /><steps><step description="Click on NGT icon" expectedResult="User should be able to click on icon" type="execution" xmlns=">"><projectArea xmlns="" /><team-area xmlns="" /><stylesheet xmlns="" /><name>st2</name><link /></step></steps><datapool /><customAttributes /></testscript>

Its saving testscript in RQM , but also no. of steps are saved. but "Desciption" and "Expected result" feilds are showing blank from C# code. Above having 2 steps.

Please help.

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jan 15 '15, 8:19 a.m.
Not sure I fully understand your issue.  However, your testscript XML is invalid (see  For example, qm:testscript/qm:steps/testscript:step/expectedResult and
qm:testscript/qm:steps/testscript:step/description are elements and not attributes.  See for more details.

Nilesh Bawalekar commented Jan 16 '15, 1:35 a.m.

For test script - step, xml source description and expectedresult fileld is :

<xs:complexType mixed="true">
<xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" namespace="" processContents="skip"/>

and while converting C# class from above xsd (xsdtocode tool) description/expected result fileld type as :

Can please tell me how to pass or convert string data to above 2 fields as List of Syste.Xml.Xmlnode ?  I try converting in xml source above field to string and use it in C# code , but it saving as blank filelds.

Paul Slauenwhite commented Jan 16 '15, 7:37 a.m.

Unfortunately, I'm not a C# developer and your C# issue is unrelated to CLM.  You may want to post your question to a Microsoft/C# newsgroup.

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