Where do step level trace links show-up in DOORS?
One answer
Hi Paul,
There is no link requirement->scriptstep created when you link DOORS requirement to steps in RQM Test Scripts.
Best Regards,
Bing Dong
Hi Bing Dong,
Without such links it seems like the standard use cases are not currently supported for step level tracing:
A. Creating requirement to test step traceability reports.
B. Being able to check that all requirements are mapped to steps.
Are there features in DOORS that support those use cases?
Hi Bing Dong,
One more question on this thread: does RM provide this capability (step level links)?
Hi Paul,
Here is one story in RQM for bi-directional script step and requirement linking As a User, I want to be able to link/unlink the test script step with requirement from consumers of the QM OSLC API (78530), but now it's put into backlog because of technical obstacle. Now it's not sure when it's planned but we are moving forward the dependence.
RM also hasn't this capability now.
Best Regards,
Bing Dong