Can I get "about RTC" programatically?

We are using Rational Team Concert Version: 4.0.2 Build id: RTC-I20130222-1633
Some people are very stubborn and they wants to use the old version. Version: Build id: RTC-I20111208-1025
I want to control it.
When an user were trying to save a work item, RTC give an error i think.
"your RTC is not in current version. please upgrade to latest version."
But, i need get RTC version or build id. Can i get it?
Accepted answer

Hi Hakki
In this case, when it fails it tells that the RTC client version is not at the same level as the RTC server version and to continue, user needs to update the client version.
Perhaps this thread should help:
There isn't a way to fetch the details on what users are using old client versions yet. I'm sure there is an RFE for this.
One other answer

Just for your information, most of the time when the RTC Eclipse client interacts with the Jazz server, it sends out the client version to the server in the HTTP header "X-com-ibm-team-configuration-versions". Here is a sample of such HTTP headers sent from an RTC 3.0.1 client.
GET /ccm/service/ HTTP/1.1And another one from an RTC 4.0.6 client.
Accept-Charset: UTF-8
Accept-Language: en-AU
X-com-ibm-team-userid: dnong
X-com-ibm-team-service-version: 1
Authorization: jauth user_token=8645eaf662fe49f19ba2bb2d2dffcf19
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1
GET /ccm/versionCompatibility?clientVersion=4.0.6 HTTP/1.1If instead you want to get the version of the server, just send a request "/ccm/service/" to the server
Accept: text/xml
Accept-Charset: UTF-8
Accept-Language: en-AU
Authorization: jauth user_token=_IXM58OcBEeOM7M0tF7T6vA
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1