Getting error "An error occurred while requesting the root services document from server "". Please check the URL and try again.ID CRJAZ1575E"

I'm getting the following error
An error occurred while requesting the root services document from server "". Please check the URL and try again.
I'm trying to connect 4.0.6 to 3.0.1 where 3.0.1 is under Vlan/firewall and have access to it.
I can login to 3.0.1 console separately. That console doesn't have port number in Url.
How to get rid of this error? can anyone help.
An error occurred while requesting the root services document from server "". Please check the URL and try again.
I'm trying to connect 4.0.6 to 3.0.1 where 3.0.1 is under Vlan/firewall and have access to it.
I can login to 3.0.1 console separately. That console doesn't have port number in Url.
How to get rid of this error? can anyone help.
Donald Nong
Dec 21 '14, 6:31 p.m.You really have to rephrase your question. I have a hard time to understand what you were trying to do, particularly with the words "connect 4.0.6 to 3.0.1". Verifying that the URL in the CRJAZ1575E message is accessible should be the first step you should take.
Aparna Sukumaran
Dec 22 '14, 1:08 p.m.From RTC version 4.0.6 I'm trying to friend a server 3.0.1 version of RTC. I can access RTC version 3.0.1 which is the url I have provided when I get the message. Please let me know if you need any clarification.