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Sharing components under streams

Hi I have two streams in same project,
AStream and Bstream.
Both these streams has 3 common components which they need to share and one variant compomnent.
i.e. Astream has Comp1,Comp2,Comp3 and Var1
Bstream alsoComp1,Comp2 and Comp3 but Var2.
So I want to share 3 Common components between two streams.
How can do I This?
2 answers

In the Stream editor for a given stream, click on the "Add" button to add an existing component to the stream.
If this is a new component, use the "New" button instead of the "Add" button.
So if none of the components exist yet, in Astream, click on the "New" button 4 times, to create Comp1, Comp2, Comp3, and Var1 (which will also automatically add them to the stream).
Then open Bstream in the stream editor, and click on the "Add" button 3 times to add Comp1, Comp2, and Comp3, and then click the "New" button once, to create/add Var2.
If this is a new component, use the "New" button instead of the "Add" button.
So if none of the components exist yet, in Astream, click on the "New" button 4 times, to create Comp1, Comp2, Comp3, and Var1 (which will also automatically add them to the stream).
Then open Bstream in the stream editor, and click on the "Add" button 3 times to add Comp1, Comp2, and Comp3, and then click the "New" button once, to create/add Var2.