Why is there a lack of GUI consistency for Configuration Management between QM and RM?
Why is there a difference in the GUI when creating a baseline/stream in QM as to when you create it in the RM app. It would be great to have both of those interfaces reflect the same thing. In one of them you have the option of choosing a stream and baseline in one interface and in the other product it does no look like that, so it would be good to have a UI consistency.
3 answers
Thanks, Chris!
If I understand correctly, these are heavily related to the new CM capabilities (which is trully appreciated).
Are there any other WIs/Initiatives planned around overall consistency - not only GUI, not only CM (ie. porperties menu in RDNG x RQM, reviews/approval in RTC x RDNG x RQM, etc)?
I'm aware of a few scattered items (for instance, for improving Review in RDNG), but this is the first I'm getting about a consistency Initiative, which is great!
Yes, I would like to see consistency across all the tools and operations. Another example, in RTC the Project Areas are sorted differently from different operations. We've seen many other inconsistencies. The irony is that CLM is promoted as a collaboration tool, and in many areas there seems to be a distinct lack of collaboration within the Jazz Team. I say this tongue-in-cheek, but it is not much of an endorsement....