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How to get rid of certificate error in RAM

anoop mc (74811199221) | asked Dec 05 '14, 9:20 a.m.

We are accessing RAM using the URL - https://ramserver:9443/ram/ and it gives a certificate error. Look like we need import a valid certificate on the WAS.

Below is the warning message we get and by choosing the option  Continue to this website (not recommended) on the certificate error it will let you  access the URL.


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anoop mc (74811199221) | answered Dec 05 '14, 9:02 p.m.
Dear Team,

Here is an excellent document created by Neil Williams (IBM) which is very much appreciated. 

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Donald Nong commented Dec 07 '14, 9:12 p.m.

Note that you will need to install the self-signed certificate on every single machine. Otherwise those machines without the certificate installed will still show the certificate error. Sometimes it's worthwhile to obtain a certificate signed by the default root CAs (referred to as "a known trusted publisher" in the document that you posted) and apply the certificate on the server, so that any client machine will recognize the certificate and not prompt an error.

anoop mc commented Dec 08 '14, 8:33 a.m.

 Installing self-signed certificate on every single machine. is not accepted by our management. Hence we need to go with the other option. I dont find the solution in the document.--- To apply the certificate on the server. Tried some of the options and have to revert back get everything working.

One other answer

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anoop mc (74811199221) | answered Dec 12 '14, 10:59 a.m.

I am looking for the below option obtain a certificate signed by the default root CAs (referred to as "a known trusted publisher" in the document that you posted) and apply the certificate on the server, so that any client machine will recognize the certificate and not prompt an error. 

Does this require IBM HTTP Server to be installed. Because in our environment we have only WebSphere Application Server and have initiated iKeyMan from websphere\profiles\bin location.

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