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Issue when configuring or saving plan

Suyash adsul (91218) | asked Dec 02 '14, 2:02 a.m.

I get the following error, time to time, when I save modifications that I made on a plan view.

Error - [object Object]: STATUS 0

Thanks for your help,
Suyash Adsul

Don Yang commented Dec 02 '14, 2:34 a.m.

what version of RTC are you using?
what did you change/modify when you see the error in plan view?
is the screen showing any more details on the error(you can expand the details next to the error if any)

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Suyash adsul (91218) | answered Dec 02 '14, 3:03 a.m.
Hi Don,

We are using RTC version 4.0.1

When i make modification (e.g. adding attribute columns to be display) in plan it throws error as mentioned above while saving it.

in brief details it just shows as STATUS 0 error nothing else.

Thanks and regards,

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