Why can't I add a work item depends-on link

One answer

as far as I can tell, you don't have all the permissions. Please be aware that permissions accumulate across roles. See https://jazz.net/library/article/291 for how that works.
The permissions required here are also in the section Team Configuration>Permissions in the project area administration as well as in the team area administration. See a screenshot from the Eclipse client below (Process Configuration tab).


thanks but i have already done this.
as i am a scrum master and i have these permissions enabled for me. PFA

in WAS the user is having jazzadmin previleges as well
let me knwo if i miss anything..

You only changed the permissions in this one team. That means it will work only for work items that are filed against the team's category. If they are filed against a different team or the project area, you won't have that permission. You will have to either do it on project area level and inherit the permission in the teams, or you have to make the change for all teams. Again, please read https://jazz.net/library/article/291 for how that works.

Also make sure which Role you have in all the other teams. If you are not Scrum Master on the project area (your role there) and the other team areas you just have the everyone role for work items filed against it. The same holds true for any other team. You might not be member there - so you have everyone role, or you have other roles.
Malaya Sethi
Apr 26 '13, 2:57 a.m.