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How to fix error "CRRRW7367E The specified attribute name is the same as a system-defined attribute name"

Donat Hutter (2153539) | asked Nov 27 '14, 5:17 a.m.
When hovering over artifact attribute "identifier" in DOORS Next Generation I get the following error:
ID CRRRW7367E  The specified attribute name is the same as a system-defined attribute name. 

How can I fix this (I suppose this is caused by ReqIF import)?

Kevin Ramer commented Apr 07 '15, 8:46 a.m.

It would be nice to have an answer.  I see this on almost every project in a repository. That repository has gone through V2->V3->V4->V5.02 migrations in its lifetime.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Apr 08 '15, 2:05 a.m.
A similar case was reported to IBM Support last year and it turned out to be caused by some invalid locks. You need to contact Support and get a tool called "ReleaseInvalidLocks", or just mention the PMR 59718,113,848.

Kevin Ramer commented Apr 08 '15, 8:48 a.m.

Donald, Thanks.  I'll pursue this.   Might this also relate to Problem 2 in this article ?

Donald Nong commented Apr 08 '15, 11:11 p.m.

 Kevin, with the limited available information, I can't see these two issues related.

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