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Managing schedule in both RTC and RQM

Dhruva Kumar (533032) | asked Nov 23 '14, 11:47 p.m.
edited Nov 24 '14, 12:11 a.m.
Dear All,

Is it possible to manage schedule in RTC and RQM.Timebox will be used to decide the Test Plan Schedule which will be later have sub iteration timebox for Test Phases and then sub sub iteration fro Test Cycle.Any change in schedule will be updated in the RQM.Along with that RTC will also hold Test Phase wise Schedules and will likewise be updated for any changes.

To avoid duplication of effort for managing schedule in both RTC and RQM. Need a solution where
 For any update in the RTC there will be an automated change in RQM schedule or Test Schedules/ updates will be done at one place only


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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Nov 24 '14, 11:49 a.m.

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