[closed] 5.0.1 RTC:adding new custom attribute will be reflected in the existing workitems immediately?
In RTC5.0.1, if a new custom attribute such as Enumeration attribute is added to the work item, we found that the new attribute will be effective in the existing workitems immediately without doing synchronization in Eclipse. We can even see the new attribute in the existing workitem history. Is this a new feature in 5.0.1 or not? Where there is any info on this feature? I am wondering if there is any property we can set to have the tool to behave like the old version, that is, only when the user manually does the sync, it will be effective in the existing workitem?
Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot.
The question has been closed for the following reason: "Other" by dyang Dec 06 '14, 4:18 a.m.