Moving a task from a plan to another with different workflow
One answer
I personally think a common workflow helps with communication and it makes life of an organization a lot easier and reduces cost (of maintenance). There should be very good reasons for having different workflows.
If you want that, use different work item types, however then users need to know which to use. If you use different project areas and want to copy work items between these the question is what to do with the state.
I guess the decision level is,
- Use different project areas for the teams with potentially having different workflows.
- Use one project area and sub teams with a common workflow.
For 1 Multiple project areas will prevent seeing the data distributed to them on a plan. If you have hand over of tasks from one to another area you need to come up with how to do that. Moving items between project areas for this case does not seem to be practical, you will likely end up with having multiple work items that need to be created and linked.
For 2 you might still end up with having work items for each team, if the need to coordinate on one effort, at least at the execution item/task level.
1 vote
or, create unqiue workitem types and do a 'change type' when assigning to Tea B and C
task-a, task-b, task-c, each have their own workflow, with the common point being where they change types
1 vote
Thanks Ralph and Sam,
There are different strategies, depending on the approach.
2 votes
The latest 5.0.x versions of RTC enhance taskboard capabilities to see more information with respect to states. Especially 5.0.2. See
Thanks Ralph,
I think we have pretty much summarized what options you have. I would suggest you go ahead and setup a simple tomcat/derby based eval solution and test out your options and see which one you like best.
I personally like Sam's suggestion to use multiple different task types as children. This would limit to one project area, as parent/child does not work across project area boundaries for planning.
No, Sam'ts suggestion in fact to have different tasks suggests to have different workflows and thus each workflow would be smaller.
The workitem editor is in only ONE project at a time, so you cannot do this directly.
in addition, because the workitems would be in different projects, you cannot display them on a single kanban or task board.
using the current RTC products, you would organize the taskboard/kanban display by state GROUPS not STATES.. so you would not need to combine the workflow. But you would not be able to see the exact workflow step by column.
as Ralph mentioned, using 5.0.1 allows you to add the individual states to the state group display header in the task/kanban board. Til 5.0.1 it is very hard to get the kind of display you want.
and currently up to 5.0.1 there is only ONE taskboard/kanban board layout per project area. so you cannot do it differently by team or logical work product