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How Can I edit the artifact from the Review view

Sherif Matta (1644) | asked Oct 30 '14, 4:01 p.m.

How Can I edit the artifact from the Review view

If I am in a review view,  reviewers might ask to change the Artifact contents,   I can't find a way to edit the artifact from the review view,  the only way is to search by the Artifact id to access the base artifact to be able to edit

Can someone advise

Keith Collyer commented Oct 31 '14, 5:26 a.m.

I agree with @dnong. However, if you think this should be possible, I suggest that you create a Request for Enhancement

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Oct 31 '14, 12:48 a.m.
As a reviewer, shouldn't you just set the status as "reviewed with comments" and ask the artifact owner to change the artifact? In a formal review process, the artifact shown in the review view may not even be the same as the current revision, so it does not make sense to just edit it.

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