Concerns around DNG 6 for creating project baselines
Accepted answer
Enabling it has consequences. Make sure you experiment with it and understand the impact on reporting and the data warehouse and anything else, before you try this in production.
As far as I am aware the old concept of baselines will be totally gone if you enable Global Configuration Management. You will use configurations and baselines on configurations instead of the old baselines. If you want to understand the performance implications, set up your current system in an isolated test environment and prototype with it, to understand the implications and get a feel for what you can do.
Please also see and note that you can migrate your old baselines to the new concepts.
Going through articles, I feel that until we make use of all the SDLC feature using these CLM 6.0 tools it doesnt make sense to enable Global Configuration Management capability in DNG.
In this case there are no side effects and the feature could be potentially interesting. Even if you don't use global configuration or only global configurations in RDNG, having the capability to branch, stream and merge requirements could be of interest. This kind of capabilities have been requested for years by a lot of customers.
If you can live with the baselines you have today, I would suggest to wait and evaluate the capabilities in a test system.
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One other answer
I would add:
- In 6.0, baselines are created of the entire project (including all modules in that project); it is not possible to create a baseline of only a single module.
- Baselines can be created in 6.0 without enabling the configuration management feature. (Enabling configuration management provides additional facilities beyond baselining.)
Each of your module baselines will be migrated to a 6.0 baseline, and you will be able to use those baselines as you did prior to upgrade.