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Progress WI (Story) field for Cross project areas are not showing the proper results.

Satish Narayanachar (96426) | asked Oct 03 '14, 4:47 a.m.

Progress WI (Story) field for Cross project areas are not showing the proper results.

This works perfectly when the parent and the children belong to the same project, but when the story has children who belong to another project , the parent progress data is base  only on the data of self-project, and therefore does not have the correct value. 
Is there any way to update the progress data of parent story  accordingly to the data of children belong to the another project as well as accordingly to the data of self-project children . 

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Arun K Sriramaiah (3.2k13477) | answered Oct 03 '14, 4:51 a.m.

Hi Satish,

I think, the above feature is currently not available.

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