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[closed] RRC Import artifacts from CSV file - CRRRW7571E

Dave Flynn (334) | asked Sep 30 '14, 7:25 p.m.
closed Jan 10, 4:42 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646)
When attempting to import some artifacts from a CSV file we get the following:

 The comma-separated values (CSV) file cannot be imported.

ID CRRRW7571E The file does not meet the requirements to be imported. For example, one or more rows might contain a type that is not found in the type system. Update the file, the project type system, or both. To learn more about the CSV format and importing CSV files, see the help system.
Errors were received while importing the CSV file:

Validation Errors:
Row Number: 1
Error Message: ropagated exception; original message [CRRRS8657E An invalid value was specified for the attribute definition URL

I am able to import this csv file into another project (which was seeded from the same template as the current project I am having trouble importing the csv file into .... I believe one of my colleagues has possibly removed some attributes or something).
Where can I get more info from my system as to what may be wrong? or where is a good place to start debugging the problem ...... I am not that experienced with RRC (DNG). We have RRC 4.0.7 installed.

Dave Flynn

Dave Flynn commented Sep 30 '14, 7:29 p.m. | edited Sep 30 '14, 7:34 p.m.

The CSV file looks like:

Artifact Type,Name,Primary Text
Requirement,SOW05-F3 Auditing,Auditing
Requirement,SOW05-F4 Support Legacy Interface,Support legacy Interface
Requirement,SOW05-F6 Online User Interface for Lodgement & Registration,Online user interface requirements - Partially completed Lodgements or Registrations
Requirement,SOW05-F7 Online User Interface for Helpdesk,Online user interface requirements - Helpdesk support access

The question has been closed for the following reason: "Problem is not reproducible or outdated" by rschoon Jan 10, 4:42 a.m.

3 answers

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Sep 30 '14, 7:33 p.m.
Hi Dave,

It sounds like you're attempting to import artifacts containing attribute values that do not exist in the new project.  I'd suggest putting this in your browser:*&private=true

Then in the response you get back from the request above, look for the literal after the hash in the URL you posted (#b7a5c421-a2d8-447d-8e6d-a77c78780c1f).  The error is telling you that somewhere in your CSV, you're attempting to import a value that is not defined in the project you're importing to. 

The data might be overwhelming, so feel free to contact support if you need help going through it.  Hope it helps!

Dave Flynn commented Oct 01 '14, 8:11 p.m.

Hi Benjamin,

Thanks for the info. Yes I followed your suggestion, but was not able to find "b7a5c421-a2d8-447d-8e6d-a77c78780c1f" in the result which I suppose is why I received the original error. I think I will contact support to get some further assistance on my problem.



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Jianoula Papadakis Kantos (16535) | answered Oct 01 '14, 4:54 p.m.
Hi Dave,
It sounds like the projects type system has been modified or is different from the one reflected in the CSV.
I would suggest to check the Artifact type and attribute names in the CSV file with the type and attribute names as reflected in the project.  You can do this by creating a different CSV file from the project.
  1. go to the project
  2. create a new artifact of the type you are trying to import (from your sample above it seems like it is Requirement)
  3. Locate the artifact at the Artifacts page
  4. Display in columns, the attributes you are interested in by using.  (you can do this by selecting Configure page settings > Configure columns to display)
  5. From the artifacts edit options (little pencil icon between the selection box and the ID of the artifact), select Export artifact
Now you should have a CSV file with the artifact type and all the attributes as they are reflected in this project.
Adjust your CSV file with the correct names, and try importing again.

Hope it helps!

Dave Flynn commented Oct 01 '14, 9:38 p.m.

Hi Jianoula,
   Thanks for your suggestion ... a good (& logical) place to start. I did this but still experienced the same problem ( plus warnings that 2 attributes were not imported as they were SYSTEM_MAINTAINED .... as expected).

I am going to open a PMR to get further assistance in diagnosing my problem.



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HuaXiao Jiang (434) | answered Jan 10, 3:03 a.m.
     Dave Flynn

     Through my multiple experiments, I have come to the conclusion that when exporting a module containing table content from DNG in Excel format, the first modification and export back to DNG can update the module content, but the second time it will report an error, which is similar to the error content you reported. I feel that it is a bug.

Currently using ELM 7.0.2 version, I would like to know if there is a perfect response to your case

Ian Barnard commented Jan 10, 3:07 a.m.

 This is a nine year old question from a long out-of-support version. You should create your own question with details of the issue you're having with 7.0.2

HuaXiao Jiang commented Jan 10, 3:12 a.m.

OK,Thank you very much

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 10, 4:46 a.m.

Ian, please close conversations like this one.