Jazz Build Engine - Customised tasks not shown in build.xml

I have a build definition created from "command line- Jazz build engine" i specify my Command, under command line build page. Following is my command to build using PDE, which is working fine.
java -jar c:/AutomatedBuild/projects/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/startup.jar -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile C:\AutomatedBuild\projects\org.eclipse.pde.build\scripts\buildUtils.xml -DjavacSource=1.5 -DcompilerArg="-nowarn" -Dbuilder=c:/AutomatedBuild/build-files
The problem is i want to use the Jazz/Ant customised tasks to publish back the build results to the server and use more Jazz based ant tasks, I read ina previous post that -lib <jazz> option is required , which is available only if i create a build definition with Ant-Jazz build engine, under "Ant configuration" , "Jazz build toolkit" option makes the customised tasks available, in other words it is something like proividing the -l1b <lib> argument.
I want to know how do i use the -lib argument with a "comman line- Jazz build Engine" definition? I have tried to make the customised tasks available in the build.xml by specifying a classpath and making all the relevant jar files available, but i get an exception when i run the PDE build.
What am i doing worng , is there any way to provide the -lib argument for a "command line- jazz build engine" ?
java -jar c:/AutomatedBuild/projects/org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder/startup.jar -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile C:\AutomatedBuild\projects\org.eclipse.pde.build\scripts\buildUtils.xml -DjavacSource=1.5 -DcompilerArg="-nowarn" -Dbuilder=c:/AutomatedBuild/build-files
The problem is i want to use the Jazz/Ant customised tasks to publish back the build results to the server and use more Jazz based ant tasks, I read ina previous post that -lib <jazz> option is required , which is available only if i create a build definition with Ant-Jazz build engine, under "Ant configuration" , "Jazz build toolkit" option makes the customised tasks available, in other words it is something like proividing the -l1b <lib> argument.
I want to know how do i use the -lib argument with a "comman line- Jazz build Engine" definition? I have tried to make the customised tasks available in the build.xml by specifying a classpath and making all the relevant jar files available, but i get an exception when i run the PDE build.
What am i doing worng , is there any way to provide the -lib argument for a "command line- jazz build engine" ?
One answer

adding "-lib" to the command line kicking off the PDE build will not do any good.
since you use the org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner, whatever libs you need for the jazz toolkit need to be loaded by the OSGI container.
i guess you could customize the basebuilder distribution you are using to add those missing bundles, but you would make your life way easier by just using a full fledged eclipse install with the Jazz client installed
since you use the org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner, whatever libs you need for the jazz toolkit need to be loaded by the OSGI container.
i guess you could customize the basebuilder distribution you are using to add those missing bundles, but you would make your life way easier by just using a full fledged eclipse install with the Jazz client installed