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How gets a sandbox out of synch?

Tobias Burkhardt (1811115) | asked Sep 19 '14, 5:00 a.m.
retagged Sep 24 '14, 4:19 p.m. by Dejan Custic (2855)
 Hello together,

I have found this article on and I have some questions to this article. I hope you can help me.

It would be very good if someone can explain me the first two sentences in the chapter "How did it happen?"

Typically things get out of sync when you perform an action that involves updating the configuration of a component in your repository workspace but before the sandbox is fully updated, the action is cancelled or fails unexpectedly.  Most actions involving changes or conflicts affect the component configuration (for example, accept, discard, suspend, resume, resolving conflicts, undoing checked in changes, etc.).  

Also in the chapter "if you have unchecked in changes..." it says "Once the Eclipse workspace is back in sync again (and no errors during the load)."
Is this description for Visual Studio, too?

Thanks in advance.


2 answers

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Sep 19 '14, 12:50 p.m.
For "How did it happen", it's the repository workspace that is altered with another client that doesn't update the sandbox. It's typical when the repository workspace is loaded more than once or is shown in Pending Changes (without loading) and accepting changes.

Reloading a workspace is possible in CLI, VS and Eclipse. It will bring the affected files back in sync. It will not reload everything.

Tobias Burkhardt commented Sep 23 '14, 12:42 a.m.

 Hello Tim,

but the chapter "If you have unchecked in changes" says you should create a patch if you have unchecked in changes but in Visual Studio I don't found the possibility to create a patch. So what should I make in VS if the sandbox is out of synch and I have unchecked in changes?

Tim Mok commented Sep 23 '14, 11:27 a.m.

The create a patch option in Eclipse is Eclipse functionality that RTC leverages. The point is to preserve your changes in case they are important to you. If VS doesn't have this ability, you can backup your files and perform a diff after reloading your out-of-sync resources.

Tim Mok commented Sep 23 '14, 11:29 a.m.

Another option is using the command-line. Close VS and using the CLI on your sandbox to create the patch (scm diff --fullpatch).

permanent link
Dejan Custic (2855) | answered Sep 24 '14, 4:18 p.m.
The Help topic about synchronizing sandboxes is here

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