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Using a library to port an asset type from one RAM system to another

Allen Earnest (6212437) | asked Sep 15 '14, 10:29 a.m.

We have a Production installation of RAM as well as a training installation of RAM.

I have created a new asset type in training, and would like to use a library to port it (and its categories/relationships/attributes) to the Production environment.

So I go to the Administration>Libraries page to create a new library.  I create a new library and only add my new asset type to the library.

What happens is that my new asset type and 15 other asset types are added to the library, as well as unrelated categories, attributes, relationships.

Why are all of these extra types/categories/relationships/attributes added?  I just want my one asset type (and its categories/relationships/attributes) added.

FYI, my new asset type has a relationship to only one other asset type, not to all 15 of these others.

Would appreciate any guidance and insight.


Lin Lu commented Sep 15 '14, 9:49 p.m.


What is the version number of RAM you are using now?
I think if one only add one asset type to new create lib, there is no reason to import other asset types. Do other types show in "New Library" page right after you choose a asset type to import? or you see them after create the new lib?


Allen Earnest commented Sep 16 '14, 8:35 a.m. | edited Sep 16 '14, 8:37 a.m.

We are on v7.5.2

I see the other types on the "New Library" page right after I choose the type I want to import.

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Allen Earnest (6212437) | answered Sep 16 '14, 8:38 a.m.
So after a little experimentation, this is my theory.  My new asset type has only one relationship to another asset.  But that other asset is parent asset to just about everything else on our system.

When I remove the relationship to the parent asset, I can now build the library with just my new asset type.  When I re-add the relationship to the parent asset, my library (apparently) must include the parent asset and everything that is associated to everything else via relationships.

I'm not particularly crazy about this strategy for building libraries, but at least I understand it now.

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