How to tie test artifacts formal reviews to the artifact's state?
Using RQM 4.0.6, I've been trying to either:
1. Have RQM automatically change the Test Artifact's state to Approved or Rejected based on the Formal Review's for that artifact (ideal)
1. Have RQM automatically change the Test Artifact's state to Approved or Rejected based on the Formal Review's for that artifact (ideal)
2. Have RQM prevent from changing the status to Approved / Rejected unless there's a Fomal Review backing that up (2nd option)
I couldn't find anything that'd get option #1 implemented.
I did find some options on the Pre-Conditions & Follow-Ups that appear to address option #2, but RQM is ignoring that configuration and allowing the Test Artifact to be changed to Approved state regardless of it containing approvals or not Furthermore, the Pre-Conditions and Follow-Ups configuration doesn't really tie the Formal Review result to the target state (ie. I could have a rejected review and change the artifact's state to Approved).
Can anyone advise, please?
Accepted answer
Hi Taly,
Have you looked into "Approval tracking" ?
That may help in achieving your desired workflow..
I was already looking into the Approval tracking, but didn't have it properly configured. When I got the configuration right, RQM performed as I expected.
One last question around this, though.
I couldn't find a way to make it change the status to "Under Review" when a review/approval was created. Is there a way to do so?
Hi Taly,
Did you try with "Approval state' as "pending" and "Workflow action" as
"Ready for review"?
That works!
Thank you!