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RTC 4.0.6 with RSA 8.5.1/RTC eclipse 4.0.1 client - Developers seeing java null pointer exceptions

After upgrading RTC from 4.0.1 to 4.0.6 developers are seeing this error on occassion -
"An internal error occurred during 'Repository registry initialization'"
The most recent case was when a developer opened a source. If you reply OK processing seems to continue on unaffected and so far we have not seen any adverse effects - but it is annoying. I am inserting an image of the error and stack trace. We do not see these errors when going against the "non upgraded (4.0.1) repository. Any idea of why the problems?

One answer

Hello Donald,
is issue does not occur at RTC 4.0.1 level and appears upon upgrading to 4.0.6,
assume it's RTC related.
And lucene indexes are part of RTC.
NPE generally means defect to me - I would encourage you to open a new defect against RTC
(not sure which comp to select - possibly Eclipse Client)
Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk
Aug 07 '14, 11:35 a.m.Hi Donald,
It could be great if you paste entire stack trace here.
Donald Poulin
Aug 07 '14, 11:47 a.m.We got the stack trace from the eclipse error log and there are no more lines after the last one you see. We have tried to replicate the symptoms on other Developer's desktops who aslo use the same RSA/RTC image and have not been successfull. So far we have only see the error on two desktops. Any ideas?
Donald Nong
Aug 08 '14, 12:07 a.m.The stack trace does not have anything related to RTC. Probably you can treat it as a generic Eclipse issue. How about switching to a new Eclipse workspace?