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Integrated tests between Project Areas

Rogério Ramos da Silva (33512827) | asked Aug 06 '14, 4:50 p.m.
I´m a member of two project areas: Application A and Application B.
In my integrated tests I need to run a script test hosted on Application B, in a step of a script test hosted in Application A.
How can I do this? It´s possible?
Any experience or best-practices in this kind of situation would be very helpful.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Aug 07 '14, 11:55 a.m.
Unfortunately, this is not possible.  I would suggest copying the test script in Application A to Application B (or vice-versa) or in the step of the test script in Application A, add a link to the test script in Application B.
Rogério Ramos da Silva selected this answer as the correct answer

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