Monitoring licenses / active users
Here in the forum are several questions about the license monitoring and as today it is possible to monitoring floating and authorized licenses.
But the chosen solution is, let’s say in nice words, "old-fashioned". There is a log file for floating and a log file for authorized licenses. Both log files implement fully different approaches (and syntax)
Why there isn’t an API or REST interface to get a list of all active (logged in) users and which license they using at the moment.
I think, that for every bigger installation it’s a must to monitoring the usage of floating licenses and also the usage of authorized licenses (to find out when to reorder or to decide when a user should better have a floating license – or vice versa)
One answer
Very few people could even attempt top answer "Why there isn’t an API or REST interface to get a list of all active (logged in) users and which license they using at the moment".
I don't know if there is an API. If there is none, it is probably due to the fact that the requirement was not rated high.
There is a usage tracking for floating licenses, that tells you if you are likely to run out of them, which makes sense. Authorized licenses are assigned to a person and I think the assumption is - from the license terms - you won't change them frequently.
I am also almost certain that in some countries having too much data available would become an inhibitor of implementing RTC, due to workers council concerns.
I would suggest to open an enhancement request with support or here: and express what you want to do.
I know that there was some work being done on license monitoring and reporting, but I am not sure if it would suit your needs.
Donald Nong
Jul 27 '14, 9:14 p.m.In the JTS Server Administration page, you can find the Licensing Reports. Have you tried it out?
Dieter Paul
Jul 28 '14, 1:58 a.m.Yes we know this
But 1) it is only for floating licenses
and 2) we want do further processing with the data (e.g. internal charging, check if floating or authorized is better for a user)