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Jazz Foundation client capabilities?

Christopher Giblin (1865) | asked Apr 27 '09, 2:39 p.m.
I downloaded Jazz Foundation 1.0 M3 client and server thinking this may
be a free minimal version of Jazz.

I ran the Client for Eclipse IDE and see no Jazz perspectives or views
as I do when using the RTC client. Under the hood, I notice a fair
number of plugins which look like Jazz plugins.

What is the intent of the Client for Eclipse IDE? Is it a platform for
developing Jazz plugins?

Thanks, chris

3 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 28 '09, 2:50 a.m.
Hi Chris,

to my knowledge the Jazz Foundation is only the platform - the core elements. I believe it does not provide any visible client capabilities.

Jazz is not a product in it self as far as I know.

The minimal free product based upon Jazz is Rational Team Concert Express C. (Free up to 3 users)

Please download and install that and have fun!



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Christopher Giblin (1865) | answered Apr 28 '09, 5:20 a.m.
Thanks for the info!
Actually I am already using the IBM release of RTC and having fun :)
I was interested in beta 2 but have more than 3 users. Sounds like I
should wait for IBM release of RTC 2.0.


rschoon wrote:
Hi Chris,

to my knowledge the Jazz Foundation is only the platform - the core
elements. I believe it does not provide any visible client

Jazz is not a product in it self as far as I know.

The minimal free product based upon Jazz is Rational Team Concert
Express C. (Free up to 3 users)

Please download and install that and have fun!



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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Apr 28 '09, 6:19 a.m.
Hi Chris,

great to hear that. You don't have to wait for the Release if you are interested
to have a preview of the new capabilities. I guess the development team is
eager for feedback.
If you download any version you can install and use it on a machine for with
the temporary license of 60 days with more users provided the DB setup supports
more than the 10 users Express C supports.

We just don't recommend to do productive work on milestones as mentined in
the download page.


Thanks for the info!
Actually I am already using the IBM release of RTC and having
fun :)
I was interested in beta 2 but have more than 3 users. Sounds like I
should wait for IBM release of RTC 2.0.

rschoon wrote:

Hi Chris,

to my knowledge the Jazz Foundation is only the platform - the core
elements. I believe it does not provide any visible client

Jazz is not a product in it self as far as I know.

The minimal free product based upon Jazz is Rational Team Concert
Express C. (Free up to 3 users)

Please download and install that and have fun!



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