create baseline on an old changeset
could you tell me if it's possible to create a baseline on an old changeset ?
For example:
Changeset n°1
Changeset n°2
Changeset n°3 ==> Forgot to set a baseline
Changeset n°4
Changeset n°5
Is it possible to set a baseline on changeset n°3 while we have already delivered the changeset n°5 ?
Thank you for your help
Best regards
could you tell me if it's possible to create a baseline on an old changeset ?
For example:
Changeset n°1
Changeset n°2
Changeset n°3 ==> Forgot to set a baseline
Changeset n°4
Changeset n°5
Is it possible to set a baseline on changeset n°3 while we have already delivered the changeset n°5 ?
Thank you for your help
Best regards
Accepted answer
Hi David,
You can try to create a new workspace and add the baseline of the component created before Changeset n°1 and set the flow target to the stream where you have delivered the change sets.
Then in the Incoming folder, you will see all 5 change sets.
Please only accept Changeset n°1, Changeset n°2 and Changeset n°3 to your workspace.
After that create a baseline for the component from the workspace.