How to retrieve the snapshot names available under stream using java API ???
Accepted answer
Get the baseline sets from the IWorkspaceConnection. Then resolve the IBaselineSetHandles and you can get the names.
Can you provide me the code snippet for the same??
List<IBaselineSetHandle> snapshots = IWorkspaceConnection#getBaselineSets(monitor);ITeamRepository repo = IWorkspaceConnection#teamRepository();List<IBaselineSet> fetchedSnapshots = repo.itemManager().fetchCompleteItems(snapshots, IItemManager.DEFAULT, monitor);for (IBaselineSet snapshot : fetchedSnapshots) {snapshot.getName();}
Hello Tim
Thank You for the Post.
The above code list the snapshot names for a entire project area...I just wanted to know one more thing that ,how will I get the snapshot name for a selected stream??
Mustafa Askin
Jul 23 '14, 10:39 a.m.Which version are you using?
vinitha dsouza
Jul 24 '14, 1:16 a.m.I am using RTC eclipse client 3.8 version