Issue with script based calculated value in RTC
I have created three new attributes of type "Duration" -- "QA Estimate", "Dev Estimate" and "Total Estimate". The "Total Estimate" attribute uses calculated value from the script TimeEstCalc.js and has dependencies on "QA Estimate" and "Dev Estimate" attributes.
Here is the TimeEstCalc.js script:
(function() {
dojo.declare("com.example.common.TimeEstCalc", null, {
getValue: function(attribute, workItem, configuration) {
return workItem.getValue("devEstimate") + workItem.getValue("qaEstimate");
After I enter values into "QA Estimate" and "Dev Estimate" fields in the newly created work item, and trying to save the work item, I get the error:
The value of attribute 'Total Estimate' is not valid. Enter a valid duration (w = weeks, d = days, h = hours, m = minutes).
So looks like the "Total Estimate" attribute expects values to be entered instead of returning the calculated value based on the script.
I have script execution enabled in
Not sure what I am doing wrong.
2 answers
I found this article that has a section on calculated values: . In their example, their return statement includes strings representing days, hours, and minutes:
return days +" d, "+ hours +" hr, "+ minutes +" min";I'm wondering if adding those strings to your return statement would fix your problem.