How to check Performace of the server
Accepted answer
Hi Sang,
The Performance Health Check widget may not provide the information of the response time for common CLM operations.
To get such data, you can take a look JTSMon utility. "JTSMon is a new tool that will help you make more sense out of Jazz server traffic patterns based on webservice reports. It takes a series of snapshots then turns them into time trend spreadsheets".
It generates the trend report for service total time and service average response time for CLM applications (JTS, RTC, RQM). But the tool is not applied to Insight.
JTSMON will let u look at what happened during the prior run petiod, but cannot tell u what is happening now.
The best I've found is the run special transactions u write on a regular basis from multiple places in your network. Match these with health check and a Web server performance monitor and u start to get a better picture.
We measured logon, and a known query to a known special project area with a known set of workitems.
We had talked about doing a work item change/save as well.
One other answer
Hi Lily,
Thank you for the worthful response
I downloaded JTSMon_4.0_RTC3.0GA and also installed Java jre7 and set environment variable.
However, when I try to run the command,
java –jar JTSMon.jar monitor
I get the below error,
Error: Could not find or load main class ujar
I have updated the file with JTS application URL, user and password.
Please help me start monitoring the applications.
Thanks in advance!
Sangeetha Jadav
Jul 18 '14, 6:20 a.m.Sang