How to deploy a custom jazz application in Tomcat?
Dear all
I am able to run it in debug mode with jetty. which means that I was able to work through all chapters until nr. 9.
But now i have troubles with chapter nine. I did everything described in there, which resulted in a deployable war package and a .scr file. I can deploy them into tomcat, but a soon as i want to access the SCR or anything else, I get the following exception
HTTP Status 403 - CRJZS0040E No REST service handler is registered for the following path: /scr.
type Status report
message CRJZS0040E No REST service handler is registered for the following path: /scr.
description Access to the specified resource has been forbidden.
I have used the Jazz 5.0 Foundation zip installations, which means that my urls look like the following:
https://localhost:9443/jts ---> works
https://localhost:9443/admin ---> works
https://localhost:9443/vms ---> 403 (see above)
https://localhost:9443/non-existing-application ---> 404
where 'vms' is the name of my app, like 'ccm' and 'non-existing-application' is a random url which does not exist
I've already read the following specifications
Any tips and hints are highly appreciated
Best Regards
The SCR looks like the following
<?xml version="1.0"?><rdf:RDFxmlns:rdf=""xmlns:jd=""xmlns:oslc=""xmlns:ju="">
<!-- My home contributions --><ju:HomeMenu><jd:service rdf:resource="https://localhost:9443/vms/my-home-menu"/><ju:menuSection rdf:resource=""/><oslc:publisher rdf:resource="https://localhost:9443/vms/application-about"/><jd:contextRoot>https://localhost:9443/vms</jd:contextRoot><ju:defaultIcon rdf:resource="%server-URL%/web/"/></ju:HomeMenu><!-- Application properties --><jd:Application><jd:contextRoot>https://localhost:9443/vms</jd:contextRoot><jd:rootServices rdf:resource="https://localhost:9443/vms/rootservices"/><oslc:publisher rdf:resource="https://localhost:9443/vms/application-about"/></jd:Application>