How to create a draft work item on Jazz Foundation (JTS v6)?
where HOST is:
and "newdefect" file contains:
xmlns:rtc_cm="" >
<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="A0">
<dcterms:title rdf:parseType="Literal">Sample Work Item</dcterms:title>
Fails with:
<oslc:message>The service '' failed to find the required service 'interface
ssService'. Check <prerequisites> in plugin.xml.</oslc:message>
Accepted answer
Looks like you found a defect and a regression. Thanks
One other answer
I think my terminology might be wrong. I used to be able to create a draft work item on the Jazz Foundation RTC project until recently (at this URL:
I noticed that the server has been upgraded recently (see below, build dates are 20150312) so I thought that might be why my drafts are failing creation.
About the Change and Configuration Management Application
Version: 6.0 M10 Build Information Version Build ID
Change and Configuration Management - Core Libraries 6.0 M10 RTC-I20150312-1248
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries 6.0 M10 RJF-I20150312-1131
About the Rational Jazz Team Server
Version: 6.0 M10 Build Information Version Build ID
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries 6.0 M10 RJF-I20150312-1131
As far as I know that is a life development project and it is updated like our other life development servers to self host the latest milestones.
If you try to create the work items for a business reason, I'd suggest to contact the team running the servers. If this is for testing purposes only, I'd suggest to set up your own test server based on Derby/Tomcat.