Want to calculate the changes in number of lines of code after Build for an Userid or at Task Level

We are using RTC version 4.0.6
I want to know the history of changes with respect to number of lines changed in a file or a stream after Integration Build at user id level or at task level.
Is this possible at scm command line interpreter to know how many lines of code a particular user or for particular workitem has been changed at a particular time period?
Any suggestions will be very much appreciated.
2 answers

I don't think there is a easy way of doing this but a probable way could be:
The "lscm diff" command allows you to compare two changesets/baselines/snapshots. But this would show the diff for all the files and you may have to parse the output. The output will contain +++ and --- to indicate the changes.

There is a option called Annotate which is used to calculate the number lines and history of changes to the code at user level. But it can be done only manually and extracting the report is also not feasible, though you can use the external tools or scripting to capture the Number of Lines information but will occupy lot of resources from the server and increases the load in App Server.