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Multiple Plan scope

One answer

You are correct that conditions are AND'ed in the Plan Scope, and there is no support for an OR operator in Plan Scope.
You can use OR exclude conditions, but that won't affect loading time, since the exclude conditions run against downloaded data.
You can also of course use OR operators in work item queries.
Robert Carter
Apr 25 '18, 3:29 p.m.I noticed that he "Plan Scope" field seems to be an AND operator. My problem is I ould like to do an OR operation. Meaning I want to see work Items with filedAgaints:TeamA OR filedAgainst:TeamB
When you use the exclusion in the view edit, it appears to be behaving as an OR condition.
Sandra Costa
May 17 '18, 10:02 p.m.HI, I need this urgently. Anyone have an idea, how to have the OR condition?
I would like to have something like filedAgainst:"A" OR filedAgainst:"B" OR filedAgainst:"C".
Thanks in advance.