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RQM Test Script - command line and Favorite machine

henry barber (367) | asked Jul 04 '14, 1:20 a.m.
I'm having some issues with running an RQM Test Suite (TS).
I thought my problem was some of the underlying Test Cases (TC) / Test Scripts (TSC) were utilising the "Favorite machine" functionality. So i went through all the TSC's (200!) in the TS and removed all references to the Favorite machine and my TS Execution Record (TSER)still does not run; just gets stuck on the first TSC
So now I'm wondering about the TSER that I created.
I'm confused about how when creating a TSER I'm asked to select a Test Environment, or generate a new one.
I'm also confused about the TC selection in the TS. I have created a Test Cell and configured the TS's "Test Cases" section with that cell.
So, my question is, how do I reliably get my TS to run, and have the ability to point the TS at a particular "host" or group of hosts?


3 answers

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Reshma Ratnani (1.1k1) | answered Jul 07 '14, 3:43 a.m.
Hi Henry,

Instead of create a TSER just click on Run icon in the TestSuite editor. In the Run Suite Dialog see that the adapter health is shown as green. Click on Run button. See if this works for you.


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henry barber (367) | answered Jul 07 '14, 9:13 p.m.
 Thanks for that; I have tried this too, and I'm getting variable results.
I think I'm having issues with the Test Cell, the the hosts I'm running on.

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henry barber (367) | answered Jul 07 '14, 9:38 p.m.
 When I create the TSER, I want to associate it with a particular host.
This does not seem possible. RQM seems to randomly assign hosts to the TSER when I run it....!?

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