
One answer

Hello 074378r,
I'd start here:
The Workflow (of changes) is tied to work items in my humble oppinion. You
can customize Work Items as well as their work flow. Basically cou set up
workflows in the Process configuration tab underneath Project Configuration>Configuration>Work
You are interested in the sections Workflows, Workflow Bindings, Types and
I am not sure there is any document describing what you have to do I'd search, however, I found the editor so intuitive that I could gfet started
without help.
Just as a sidenote, while introducing new stuff I believe it is desirable
to come up with a good schema for the unique ID's of stuff you add.
I'd start here:
The Workflow (of changes) is tied to work items in my humble oppinion. You
can customize Work Items as well as their work flow. Basically cou set up
workflows in the Process configuration tab underneath Project Configuration>Configuration>Work
You are interested in the sections Workflows, Workflow Bindings, Types and
I am not sure there is any document describing what you have to do I'd search, however, I found the editor so intuitive that I could gfet started
without help.
Just as a sidenote, while introducing new stuff I believe it is desirable
to come up with a good schema for the unique ID's of stuff you add.
what is workflow in ibm jazz? how do i create it? is there any
tutorials i can follow to be able to do up a workflow??
thanks (;