maven scm plugin bug with flat structure
I have a problem with maven scm and release plugins.
When i do mvn release:prepare release:perform if projects have flat structure then scm complains that url is wrong but if i make children projects as tree structure then everything is ok again.
I get this error -
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.4.2:prepare (default-cli) on project Authorization: Jazz Url "https://no000010sjts01.moller.local" is not a valid URL. The Jazz Url syntax is scm:jazz:[username[;password]@]http[s]://server_name[:port]/contextRoot:repositoryWorkspace -> [Help 1]
One answer
Yes, it is a known issue. What is the completedPhase of If it says scm-commit-release, would you please change it to scm-tag? Then, run "mvn -B -Dresume=true release:prepare" again.
Hi, has scm-commit-release and after i changed it to scm-tag and run "mvn -B -Dresume=true release:prepare" it was scuccessfully finished.
but mvn release:perfrom doesn't work after last command. It looks like that it is because repository wasn't created in prepare command.
[ERROR] Error code for Jazz SCM checkout (load) command - 25
[ERROR] Command output:
[ERROR] Problem running 'load':
[ERROR] Unmatched workspace/stream "MollerAllPoms-0.8"
How can i fix build so i don't need to change it manually?