Could not save work item. Illegal URI format
When trying to create an artifact in RTC under the Links > Add> Related Artifacts
I am presented with a popup for
Add Link: Related Artifacts
Resource URL:
When I got to add in the path to a drive such as the following it
N:\Stuff1\Thing\Stuff\Unit Testing\Story 1234 - Develop it
I get an error saying the following... is there a way around this? can I really not insert a link to that?
Could not save wrok item. Illegal URI format
Accepted answer
And note that a link to a file on disk will only be useful to a user that has that file system mounted with that name on their local machine.
1 vote
thanks.... The drive mapping works but as Geoffrey said that has the potential for issues.
and currently there is no logical volume naming support. I built a prototype for this back in the 3.0.1 days where you could navigate to the remote file system volume, save the attachment, and someone on another system could open it. without having to use the hard coded file://drive://.. related artifact entry.
web open worked ok too.. web create attachment didn't cause of the new web security that hide the actual file volume/path name for anti-virus support.