Search for multiple values for an attribute in an artifact in RRC web application
How can I search for an artifact with an attribute that can hold multiple values ?
E.g Artifact type - Business Requirement, Attribute name - req number
I want to search for all the artifacts of type Business Requirement that can have an attribute value as A, B or C.
Currently when I use the Filter by Attribute feature of RRC, I can only search for one specific value for the attribute 'req number'. e.g. 'req number' contains 'A'.
I want to provide multiple search values for 'req number'. How can I do this ?
Is search using wild card characters possible here ?
I am using version 4.0.6
One answer
Thanks for your note. However I am not referring to an enumerated list of values that my example attribute (req number) can hold.
The attribute in my example here, i.e. req number can hold any string value which is input by the user. Could be A, B, C,or Z2, X1. Any string value.
This list of values can grow everyday.
In such a situation , when I search using the More attributes feature and select the attribute 'req number' - I am not allowed to type more than one value for the 'req number' because the attribute filters (contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, exists, does not exist) can hold just one single value.
Is there a way to search for:
req number contains <A OR Z2 OR C> ?
I want to search for multiple string values in this search as described.
Apologies,I am a new user of RRC web application, so my knowledge is limited.
I'm not aware that you can use an "OR" relationship in the filter. You may try with using tags as an alternative. But if the participating values contain white space, it may not work well since tags do not allow white space in them.
Some attribute, such as Modified By, has the option of "is any of" & "is not any of" for an OR relationship; but (more attributes) Req number (Req ID ?) is not one of them.