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How do i programatically get revision time of build definition from history of build definition?

Deepthi Gogineni (613) | asked Jun 19 '14, 12:35 p.m.
edited Jun 19 '14, 3:19 p.m.

Hi All,

I am trying to get Creation date of build definition.I am following the below approach.

First i am trying to retrieve the build definition history.From that i will take the "Revision Time" and get the first "Revision Time".

here i got stuck..In RTC ,i am able to get only last modified date as BuildDefinition.modified().How can i get the revision time(i mean all the modified dates for particular build definition)?I am in RTC 4.0.5

Here is the code ..




IBuildDefinitionQueryModel iBuildDefinitionQueryModel = IBuildDefinitionQueryModel.


IItemQuery query = IItemQuery.




IProgressMonitor monitor =

new NullProgressMonitor();

ITeamBuildClient buildClient = (ITeamBuildClient)


Object[] parameters =

new Object[] { bd.modified()};

List result = 


try {

IItemQueryPage queryPage = buildClient.queryItems(query, parameters, IQueryService.



if (queryPage.getSize() != 0) {

result =

teamRepository.itemManager().fetchCompleteItems(queryPage.getItemHandles(), IItemManager.DEFAULT, monitor);



catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {


catch (TeamRepositoryException e) {



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