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Migrating a CLM v4001 instance data to another CLM v4001.

I have a CLM v4001 instance on a Data Center X abc.example.com.
I want to build another CLM v4001 instance on a Data Center Y xyz.example.com.
I want to migrate the data from CLM instance abc.example.com to xyz.example.com. Is there any way to do this smoothly ? Is server rename an option here ? I know the DB restore will lead to problems because of the abc.example.com URL already embedded into the DB.
Appreciate your inputs.
3 answers

Please keep in mind that this has a performance impact and should not be done often, as the performance degrades with each time you do it. Please also keep in mind that this provides you with a CLM instance with a new public URI but the same items that are in the old instance. You are not supposed to run both in parallel, especially connect them. You would use this to create a test environment or to change the public URI e.g. while in- or outsourcing. In the first case, the instances would be separated in the second, only one instance would continue to be used.
Server rename requires a key that you can get from support. Only a few scenarios are supported and support will ask for yours.

Hi Ralph,
I have done server rename for one of our earlier clients in co ordintation with IBM support. However, for this current request, I was hoping to not get into the server rename in order to avoid the performance impacts.
Also, we will not be running both environments in parallel. Once data is migrated from data center X to Y, the data center X will be decomissioned.
Would a direct DB restore into a new CLM work ?

Server rename does a slight of hand that makes it APPEAR that the name has changed by doing url rewrite under the covers.
restoring the DB on a different system still leaves you with the original URL

What if I can restore the DB on a different system and also get the DNS URL registered on the new Server ? I think that should help !!

j ust remember, the server will ALWAYS respond with the original URL abc.example.com (which u said u wanted to change)

You either keep the URL e.g. by providing the new server with the old DNS entry, or you have to do an URL change (aka server rename). As far as i can tell, this is what it boils down to.

sam detweiler
Jun 18 '14, 7:19 a.m.there is no data copy mechanism.
you can move a repository with server rename, but note that the data doesn't change.
server rename sits at the highest level and modifies URLs in responses on the fly.
Yash Doshi
Jun 18 '14, 7:21 a.m.So you suggest to do a server rename for such a scenario ? If so, doesnt server rename have performance implications ?