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How to enable the PUT method via OSLC in RQM

Nicola Carusi (281011) | asked Jun 12 '14, 3:58 a.m.

Hi all,

I'm trying to do a PUT request in RQM to update a test case.

The response from the server is: Method Not Allowed.

As I understand it is possible that PUT Method is not allowed on my server.

The question in: Is there any way to enable the PUT method on the server?

Thank you!


One answer

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jun 12 '14, 7:00 a.m.
edited Jun 12 '14, 7:16 a.m.
OSLC QM V2 PUT requests are enabled/supported in RQM 3.0+ for the supported OSLC QM V2 resources.  However, the authenticated user will require certain permissions (see 

Can you provide more details?

-RQM version.
-Request URL.
-Request headers.

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